Post Updates Sponsorship Appeal

Sponsorship Appeal

This is an appeal for an yearly sponsorship for our girls at Mandiram.We strive to provide these children with a nurturing environment, education, and the love they need to thrive despite their circumstances.However, we cannot achieve this mission alone. We rely on the generosity and support of individuals and organizations like yours to continue providing essential services to these vulnerable children. Your sponsorship could make a world of difference in the lives of these children by helping us meet their basic needs, such as food, shelter, clothing, and basic education and higher education according to their aptitude.We understand that sponsorship is a significant commitment, and we are committed to ensuring that your contribution is used effectively and transparently. We will provide regular updates on the impact of your sponsorship and welcome any involvement or feedback you may have.At present we have four girls at our Mandiram who are awaiting their Plus Two results and apply for their higher education.One of the girl would like to pursue her education in psychology, other two girls in beautician course and the forth girl in fashion designing.We request your support and blessing for these girls.